Primary School Programs

World class STEM education for less than a swimming lesson

Short Programs

3-7.5hrs of total session time (no. of sessions and their duration is flexible)

Young Rocketeers

Younger students construct model rockets to be launched into the sky.

Year Level: Prep - Grade 2
Total Session Time:
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Project Aerospace

Students engineer & construct high performance model rockets to be launched through the atmosphere!

Year Level: Grade 3 - 6
Total Session Time:
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Animated Wonders

Younger students design, decorate and animate robotic characters and animals.

Year Level: Prep - Grade 2
Total Session Time:
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Robotic Creature Makers

Students design and build their own moving robot animals and characters.

Year Level: Grade 3 - 6
Total Session Time:
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Rocket Derby Racing!

Younger students design, construct & race solid rocket-powered Derby Racers.

Year Level: Prep - Grade 2
Total Session Time: 6-7.5hrs
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Rocket Dragsters

Students design, build & race there own solid rocket-powered Dragsters.

Year Level: Grade 3 - 6
Total Session Time: 6-7.5hrs
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Robot Sumo

Younger students design, and build their own robots to compete in an invigorating sumo match.

Year Level: Prep - Grade 2
Total Session Time:
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Robot Capture the Flag

Younger students design, and build robots to compete in a capture the flag match.

Year Level: Prep - Grade 2
Total Session Time:
More info coming soon!

Battle Bots

Students design, and build their own advanced Battle Bots to compete in a battle bot competition.

Year Level: Grade 3 - 6
Total Session Time:
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Billy Cart Madness

Students design and construct billy carts to be raced!

Year Level: Grade 3 - 6
Total Session Time:
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RC Innovators

Students engineer their own RC Cars to compete in an F1 style circuit race!

Year Level: Grade 4 - 6
Total Session Time:
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Game Dev & Design

Students learn programming skills by coding their own games.

Year Level: Grade 4 - 6
Total Session Time:
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Game Console Engineering

Students create their own GameBoy like consoles to program games onto.

Year Level: Grade 5 - 6
Total Session Time:
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VR Game Dev

Students build and play their own games in VR

Year Level: Grade 4 - 6
Total Session Time:
More info coming soon!

Drones and Flight

Students build, program & fly drones.

Year Level: Grade 4 - 6
Total Session Time:
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Sustainable Engineers

Students explore sustainable future through practical engineering projects
Year Level: Prep - Grade 6
Total Session Time:
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Chemistry Introduction

Students complete a myriad of engaging science experiments to learn the basics of chemistry.

Year Level: Prep - Grade 6
Total Session Time: 3hrs
More info coming soon!

Term Programs

8-12hrs of total session time (no. of sessions and their duration is flexible)

Soccer Robots

Students design and build their own remote controlled robots to play soccer against one another!

Year Level: Prep - 6
Total Session Time:
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Mini F1 Racers

Students design and create remote control mini F1 Cars

Year Level: Grade 3 - 6
Total Session Time:
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Robot Wars!

Students build and control robots to compete against each other

Year Level: 3- 6
Total Session Time:
More info coming soon!

Mission to Mars!

Students engineer, construct, and launch their own high power rockets and build their own Mars Rovers

Year Level: Grade 3 - 6
Total Session Time:
More info coming soon!

Lego Soccer Robotics

Students design and build Lego-Spike based robots to play soccer against one another!

Year Level: Grade 3 - 6
Total Session Time:
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The Art of Engineering Dancing Robots

Students use Lego robotics to create a dance routine. The program combines the best of Science and Arts to get students of all interests excited!

Year Level: Prep - 4
Total Session Time:
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Semester Programs

14hrs+ of total session time (no. of sessions and their duration is flexible)

Advanced Open Soccer Robotics

Students design, engineer & program autonomous (self-driving) soccer robots, taught by the 2021 Australian RoboCup Simulation Champion.

Year Level: Grade 5 - 6
Total Session Time:
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Air & Asphalt

Students engineer their own rocket-powered dragster, and design and build an RC Car, and design, build and fly drones. The program culminates with the students getting to race their RC cars around a track.

Year Level:
Grade 5 - 6
Total Session Time:
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Everything Space

Students take part in a team iterative engineering projects involving building high performance rocketry to be tested and finally launched!

Year Level: Grade 3 - 6
Total Session Time:
More info coming soon!

Science Fair Expanded

Students will get an introduction to electronics and engineering before designing and building an engineering project designed to investigate a topic of their choice.

Year Level: Grade 4 - 6
Total Session Time:
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Short Programs

1x90 minute classes
These work well as integrations into current STEM programs.

Electronics Introduction

Students get the chance to get hands on experience with electronics. They'll get the chance to work with Arduinos to build there own electronics project!

Age Range: 10-12

Learning Outcomes:
-Basic Programing
-Greater understanding of how computers work


Students will get the chance to build and race there own CO2 cars

Age Range: 8-12

Learning Outcomes:
-Basic Engineering
-Basic Physics
-Team work


Students will get the chance to work with Sphere robots to explore robotics.
Age Range: 8-10

Learning Outcomes:
-Basic Engineering
-Basic Robotics
-Team work

Medium Length Programs

3-5x90 minute classes or a Full day program
These work well as integrations into current STEM programs.

Rocketeering Short Program

Students get the chance to build and launch there own rocket into the sky.

Age Range: 10-12

Learning Outcomes:

Robotics Introduction

Students get the chance to get hands on experience with electronics and build there own robot with Lego Mindstorms!

Age Range: 8-12

Learning Outcomes:
-Basic Programing
-Greater understanding of how computers work


Students will get an introduction to high level physics before working in teams to design, build and race there own C02 Dragsters.

Age Range: 8-12

Learning Outcomes:

Game Development

Students will get the chance to learn programming through making there own game.

Age Range: 10-15

Learning Outcomes:
-Basics Programming concepts
-Functional programming
-Basic computer science

Long Programs

5-8x90 minute classes
These work well as integrations into current STEM programs.

Rocketeering Program

Students get the chance to learn the basics of rocket science. The program involves students building and launching there own model rockets. The longer program allows students to more deeply explore the science behind rockets

Age Range: 12-18

Learning Outcomes:

Short Science Fair

Students get the chance to work in teams to create there own science project. They will then present there findings at a science fair.

Age Range: 10-12

Learning Outcomes:

Programming Introduction

Students will get the chance to learn the basics of programming to set them up for future studies.

Age Range: 12-18

Learning Outcomes:
-Basics Programming concepts
-Functional programming
-Basic computer science

Game Development

Students will get the chance to learn programming through making there own game.

Age Range: 8-12

Learning Outcomes:
-Basics Programming concepts
-Functional programming
-Basic computer science

Full length Programs

12-20x90 minute classes
These work well as integrations into current STEM programs.

Full Science Fair

Students get the chance to work in teams to create there own science project. They will then present there findings at a science fair. The longer program allows students to create more ambitious projects

Age Range: 10-12

Learning Outcomes:

Robotics Lessons

Students will get the chance to build and program there own real robots.

Age Range: 10-12

Learning Outcomes:
-Basics Programming concepts

Programming Class

Students will get the chance to learn programming from experienced computer scientists.

Age Range: 8-12

Learning Outcomes:
-Basics Programming concepts
-Functional programming
-Basic computer science

Game Development

Students will get the chance to create there own full game and present it to the school.

Age Range: 8-12

Learning Outcomes:
-Basics Programming concepts
-Functional programming
-Basic computer science

Contact us

Interested in running a program? Contact us to discuss further details